Web development. So much promise. So much frustration…
If you’re reading this, you are thinking about solving a software problem. Most likely you’re working with JavaScript.
You search the Internet for a solution. You’re looking for an easy and right to the point answer or a tutorial. You’re in the right place!
Webapplog.com is a resource for software engineers, web developers, Node.js & JavaScript professionals and startupers. There are over 200 posts on this blog written by published author Azat Mardan.
Enjoy concise and right to the point tutorial, guide and walkthroughs. Tap into the experience of a person who has been in the trenches of software engineering for over a decade working at Silicon Valley startups and Fortune 500 giants.
Make the step toward mastery of your skill to get to a place where companies will come and seek your expertise and pay top dollar for your work. Upgrade your business savvy to kickstart your own software business, raise money for your startup, manage an engineering team and build a great product!
💻 Ship Code That Matters 🚀
Software is eating the world and JavaScript at the forefront of movement. Webapplog is everything you need to create inspiring software using JS, and then bring then value to your users, and change the world!

Azat Mardan has over 14 years of experience in web, mobile, and software development. With a Bachelor’s degree in Informatics and a Master of Science degree in Information Systems Technology, Azat possesses deep academic knowledge as well as extensive practical experience. Azat is an experienced software engineer, author and educator. He published 11 books and counting.
Currently, Azat works as a Technology Fellow at Capital One Financial Corporation, a technology company with a focus on finance. Before that, Azat was a Team Lead at DocuSign, where his team rebuilt 50 million user products (DocuSign web app) using the tech stack of Node.js, Express.js, Backbone.js, CoffeeScript, Jade, Stylus, and Redis.
Recently, he worked as an engineer at the curated social media news aggregator web site, Storify.com (acquired by LiveFyre), which is used by BBC, NBC, CNN, The White House, and others. Storify runs everything on Node.js unlike other companies. It’s the maintainer of the open source library jade browser.
Before that, Azat worked as a CTO/Cofounder at Gizmo—an enterprise cloud platform for mobile marketing campaigns, and has undertaken the prestigious 500 Startups business accelerator program.
Prior to this, Azat was developing the developed mission-critical applications for government agencies in Washington, DC, including the National Institutes of Health, the National Center for Biotechnology Information, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, as well as Lockheed Martin.
Azat is a frequent attendee at Bay Area tech meet-ups and hackathons (AngelHack hackathon ’12 finalist with team FashionMetric.com, which went on to raise venture capital from Mark Cuban and TechStars). In addition, Azat teaches technical classes at General Assembly, Hack Reactor, pariSOMA, and Marakana (acquired by Twitter) to much acclaim.
In my spare time, I write about technology on his blog: Webapplog.com—this blog. Azat is also the author of such books as , Practical Node.js, Pro Express.js, React Quickly, Express.js Guide, Rapid Prototyping with JS and others; founder of educational company NodeProgram.com, and the creator of open-source Node.js projects, including ExpressWorks, mongoui and HackHall.
Azat Mardan
Living the dream!
Personal web page: azat.co
GitHub: azat-co
Hey Azat Mardan!
Enjoy your website, publications, and posts! …Also a fellow paleo enthusiast.
I saw your recent announcement of the four new books you edited coming out this year from Apress.
Was curious if you had heard of Publica.com as a possible future publishing option?
Big Fan,
~ md3inaustin