Good Bye Storify

For almost a year I’ve been helping social media curation tool Storify as a software engineer with their Node.js apps, Backbone.js front-end development as well as supporting Storify API, implementing Twitter API v1.1 intergration, writing blog posts and answering Storify API questions. We had some great moments and a few weeks ago I summed them up in a post.

However, everything comes to an end at some point, and I’ve embarked on a new adventure with the insudtry leader in sending, signing and managing cloud documents DocuSign. Its team is amazing. The main focus is on rebuilding the customer facing products with cutting-edge technologies such as Node.js, Express.js, Backbone.js, CoffeeScript, Redis and Grunt (more on it later).

Storify itself broke the news when with announcement that LiveFyre acuired Storify. Congrats to the Storify and LiveFyre — the new giant in a social media and curation!

Storify team moves in with LiveFyre.

Small recap about Storify acuqisition from the online news:

Author: Azat

Techies, entrepreneur, 20+ years in tech/IT/software/web development expert: NodeJS, JavaScript, MongoDB, Ruby on Rails, PHP, SQL, HTML, CSS. 500 Startups (batch Fall 2011) alumnus.

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