My new book Full Stack JavaScript (my 4th traditionally-published book) comes with a series of screencast videos for better immersion in a wonderful and mesmerizing world of Node.js, Backbone and MongoDB. It’s a one thing to read through the text and another to follow up with dynamic videos which walk you through the book’s projects.

The videos and the source code are open source, meaning they are publicly available. Therefore, you don’t have to buy a book—you can just watch the 14 videos on YouTube (playlist) and go through the code on GitHub (repository).
People familiar with my early book will recognize the content. Full Stack JavaScript is update and revised edition of the best-selling Rapid Prototyping with JS. It’s been three years and the versions have changes. I learned more about writing and structuring as well (after I published three books with Apress publishing!).
Pre-order on Amazon (print book):
Buy now at Apress (ebook and print book):
So if you are beginner to Node, I highly recommend watching the videos and going through projects. If you need results quickly and want to really master Node, Backbone and MongoDB in a short time (or start mastering), then pre-order the book as well at
PS: If you want to support Apress and me, get the book. I’ll get $1 from each sale.;-)
Here are the screencasts for the projects from Full Stack JavaScript. Source code is on GitHub (repository).
Fullstack JavaScript: Twitter Bootstrap scaffolding (01-bootstrap):
Fullstack JavaScript: jQuery, OpenWeatherMap API and JSONP (02-weather):
Fullstack JavaScript: JavaScript SDK (03-parse-sdk):
Fullstack JavaScript: Message Board front-end: jQuery and REST API (04-board-parse-rest):
Fullstack JavaScript: BackboneJS and SDK Message Board (05-backbone-1):
Fullstack JavaScript: BackboneJS and SDK Message Board (05-backbone-2):
Fullstack JavaScript: BackboneJS and SDK Message Board (06-board-backbone-parse-sdk):
Fullstack JavaScript: NodeJS “Hello World” app (07-hello):
Fullstack JavaScript: Message Board back-end TDD with run-time storage (08-test):
Fullstack JavaScript: Local database connection test with MongoDB Native Driver (09-db-connect):
Fullstack JavaScript: Heroku database connection with MongoDB Driver (10-db-connect-heroku):
Fullstack JavaScript: Server to list MongoDB collections (11-db-server):
Fullstack JavaScript: Message Board API with MongoDB (12-board-api-mongo):
Fullstack JavaScript: Message Board API and UI (13-15):
Enjoy watching the YouTube playlist and exploring the code. The book is on sale at Apress and available for pre-order on Amazon. ;-)
Thank you for valuable tutorials :)
Amazing, Thank you!
nice vedio i try used your tutorial in my website
You are welcome!
Thank you . :)