JavaScript and Node FUNdamentals: A Collection of Essential Basics is a short read to brush up and refresh JavaScript and Node.js topics including frameworks like CoffeeScript, Backbone.js and Express.js. The motto of the book is “If it’s not fun, it’s not JavaScript.”

JavaScript and Node FUNdamentals has these chapters:
- JavaScript FUNdamentals: The Powerful and Misunderstood Language of The Web
- CoffeeScript FUNdamentals: The Better JavaScript
- Backbone.js FUNdamentals: The Cornerstone of JavaScript MV* Frameworks
- Node.js FUNdamentals: JavaScript on The Server
- Express.js FUNdamentals: The Most Popular Node.js Framework
The book is available on (Kindle) and LeanPub (MOBI, PDF, EPUB).
Here’s the full Table of Contents of JavaScript and Node FUNdamentals: A Collection of Essential Basics:
JavaScript FUNdamentals: The Powerful and Misunderstood Language of The Web
1.1 Expressiveness
1.2 Loose Typing
1.3 Object Literal Notation
1.4 Functions
1.5 Arrays
1.6 Prototypal Nature
1.7 Conventions
1.8 No Modules
1.9 Immediately-Invoked Function Expressions (IIFEs)
1.10 Keyword “this”
1.11 Pitfalls
1.12 Further Learning
CoffeeScript FUNdamentals: The Better JavaScript
2.1 Semicolons, Whitespace and Parentheses
2.2 Vars
2.3 Conditions
2.4 Functions
2.5 Classes
2.6 Arrays and Slicing
2.7 Splats
2.8 Comprehensions
2.9 Conclusion
Backbone.js FUNdamentals: The Cornerstone of JavaScript MV* Frameworks
3.1 Typical Backbone.js App Structure
3.2 Setting up Backbone.js App from Scratch
3.3 Dependencies for the Backbone.js Project
3.4 Working with Backbone.js Collections
3.5 Event Binding with Backbone.js and jQuery
3.6 Backbone.js Views and Subviews with Underscore.js
3.7 Super Simple Backbone Starter Kit
3.8 Conclusion
Node.js FUNdamentals: JavaScript on The Server
4.1 Read-Eval-Print Loop (a.k.a. Console) in Node.js
4.2 Launching Node.js Scripts
4.3 Node.js Process Information
4.4 Accessing Global Scope in Node.js
4.5 Exporting and Importing Modules
4.6 Buffer is a Node.js Super Data Type
4.7 __dirname vs. process.cwd
4.8 Handy Utilities in Node.js
4.9 Reading and Writing from/to The File System in Node.js
4.10 Streaming Data in Node.js
4.11 Installing Node.js Modules with NPM
4.12 Hello World Server with HTTP Node.js Module
4.13 Debugging Node.js Programs
4.14 Taming Callbacks in Node.js
4.15 Introduction to Node.js with Ryan Dahl
4.16 Moving Forward with Express.js
Express.js FUNdamentals: The Most Popular Node.js Framework
5.1 Express.js Installation
5.2 Express.js Command-Line Interface
5.3 Routes in Express.js
5.4 Middleware as The Backbone of Express.js
5.5 Configuration of an Express.js App
5.6 Jade is Haml for Express.js/Node.js
5.7 Conclusion About The Express.js Framework
5.8 Update
About the Author
6.1 Errata
6.2 Contact Us