Social media is developing rapidly. Only 5–10 years ago our lives and communications didn’t spin around Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Path. I consider myself being somewhere in the middle of the adoption curve because two years ago I had less than 200 Facebook friends and no Twitter or Instagram accounts. Nevertheless, I find social networks greatly enhancing my life and allowing me to communicate better and more efficient with the people who are on these networks.

I request to be friends with any person I’ve met in real life. This is my way of introducing myself. I rarely friend people I’ve never met in real life.
I follow all my friends and any interesting company or person.
I post my own photos and almost none of them depict any of my friends.
Google Plus
I put in my circles and follow all of my friends and some of the people with whom we’ve exchanged emails.
I connect to anybody with whom we’ve exchanged communication means.
Foursquare and Path
I follow my real friends and don’t let strangers for geosecurity reasons.
I follow random people mainly based on contents of their boards.
Here, in the Silicon Valley and San Francisco, it’s often easy to forget that there’re some people who are not on social networks yet. Saying that, I think it would be a hard thing for me to be a real friend with somebody who doesn’t have a Facebook account — it’s just weird!