The Practical Node.js, 2nd Edition print book is finally ready. It turned out the biggest thickest book I ever wrote (500+ pages). Practical Node, 2nd Ed. is even thicker than React Quickly.
My publisher Apress did a great job with design. They printed in color which means readers can see colored code, colored pictures and colored everything. This is never heard of in tech publishing (in my humble opinion).
Practical Node is the same book that was the top seller on Amazon when you search for “node.js” for many many months. Now this book is updated and better with THREE more new chapters and all code in ES6+.

I got only 10 free author copies from the publisher but they are awesome (pics below). If you want to buy from Amazon, here’s the link: You can also buy digital and print directly from Apress:
If you prefer to free books, then here’s the (unedited) “open source” manuscript on GitHub (also code is colored): I’m sure you can find PDF on torrents too.
Give your eyes some rest from screens and get yourself a nice print Node book for holidays!