This is a release candidate for 1.0 version which is going to be available to public in print. Page count has increase from 151 to 211 pages (PDF), which include the following updates:
- More digestible (smaller) code examples with better comments
- Express.js middleware section with an example
- Express.js + MongoDB REST API server section with an example
- Derby section with an example
- Grammar and typo fixes
- Illustrations
- Summaries in the beginning of each chapter
- Code examples formatting fixes
Download a free chapter Intro to Backbone.js or full PDF, ePub or Mobi copy at LeanPub.
Rapid Prototyping with JS touched topics such as:
- jQuery
- CSS and LESS
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Node.js
- MongoDB
- Parse.com
- Agile methodologies
- Git
- Heroku, MongoHQ and Windows Azure
- Backbone.js
- AMD and Require.js
- Express.js
- Monk
- Derby
If you need in-depth knowledge or references, they are usually one click or one Google search away.
Practical aspect included building multiple versions of the Message Board app:
- jQuery + Parse.com JS REST API
- Backbone and Parse.com JS SDK
- Backbone and Node.js
- Backbone and Node.js + MongoDB
The Message Board application has all the foundation of a typical web/mobile application: fetching data, displaying it, submitting new data. Other examples include:
- jQuery + Twitter RESP API “Tweet Analyzer”
- Parse.com “Save John”
- Node.js “Hello World”
- MongoDB “Print Collections”
- Derby + Express “Hello World”
- Backbone.js “Hello World”
- Backbone.js “Apple Database”
- Monk + Expres.js “REST API Server”
Oh My JS: The Best JavaScript Articles (https://leanpub.com/ohmyjs/) is in the works!