Stop struggling to code front-end the hard way. React.js is performing fast DOM manipulations and is easy to learn.
I stumbled upon some guy from Zurich, Switzerland who was arguing that you don’t need MVC (model, view, controller) with React.js.
I love controversial topics! How refreshing to hear such a brave opinion after almost a decade of MVC-domitaion.
VIDEO —>>>> The Astonishing Power of High Performance JavaScript, Without Headache or Steep Learning Curve from Azat Mardan on Vimeo.
Warning: React by Facebook is Taking Over The World
Anyway, I really suck at Angular.
It’s just weird to me to use directives in HTML.
It’s almost like using HTML to code JavaScript.
I never got used to it. At the same time, I keep hearing good things about React.
That’s why I had this idea of learning myself and teaching you React.js (with this course).
I used the same approach 4 years ago when I wrote my first book on Node.js.
It became Amazon #1 Best Seller in the Client-Server category and helped a few thousand engineers.
7 Ways To ROCK With React.js
React.js is a JavaScript library.
It’s used for creating user interfaces (UIs).
It’s created and used by giants such as Facebook and Instagram.
Millions of people use apps built on React.js.
Think of React.js as the View in Model, View, Controller.
The difference between Backbone.js, Angular.js and React.js is that React.js creates its own virtual DOM (Document Object Model) for pages’ components.
You work with them, not the DOM.
This provides tremendous flexibility and awesome performance, because React.js knows the needed changes beforehand and updates the DOM tree accordingly.
This allows to avoid unnecessary DOM operations and makes updates more effective.
Here are some of other advantages of React.js:
- Decoupling
- Increased cohesion using a component model
- Abstraction,
- Composition
- Expressivity
- Virtual DOM & Synthetic events (which basically means they completely re-implemented the DOM and its event system)
- Enables modern HTML5 event stuff on IE 8
Server-side rendering
Bindings to SVG, VML, and <canvas>
Only Wise People Can Qualify
Smart people learn on their mistakes while wise learn on mistakes of others. Save time with this course…
I published nine books on JavaScript and Node.js that have been downloaded or bought by over 10,000 developers.
In addition to that, I have experience in online courses.
Three of my courses have over 2,000 students enrolled.

I’m not bragging.
I’m only making a point that I am capable of delivery once the demand is proven by the campaign. :-)
I worked with Backbone.js before. I’m not an expert on React.js. I haven’t build anything production-ready with it (yet).
This will give me the advantage of a beginner’s mind.
That is I won’t have the knowledge curse and will be able to explain everything in the layman’s terms.
Join me on this journey and learn React.js by backing this campaign with $50.
High Performance JavaScript Without The Headache—Limited Time Offer
The course will have at least 1 hour of HD video, and examples on the following topics:
- React custom components
- Communication between React components
- Integration of React with jQuery UI / Bootstrap components
- React Router and routing in React
- Rendering React on the server
- React and server / mBaaS
The $50 will get you the life-time access to the React.js course
+ 5 ebooks (Rapid Prototyping with JS, Express.js Guide, Intro to OAuth with Node, JS FUNdamentals)
+ life-time access to Node Program online course
+ life-time access to Mongoose online course
However, for only $20, you’ll get the life-time access to the React.js course
+ 5 ebooks (Rapid Prototyping with JS, Express.js Guide, Intro to OAuth with Node, JS FUNdamentals)
Last but not least, the $7 backing will get you the life-time access to the React.js course itself.
Pick your option and back the campaign before it’s over…
or before the limit of backers is reached.
The campaign is ending in a few days!
PS: React.js is hot, hot, hot. Learn it with me. Back this campaign and get React.js online course for ONLY $7.
I just found out about this and the campaign has ended. Can I not still pay money to learn from you?