I went to Node Interactive Europe which happened in September in Amsterdam, the official Node conference—the real deal. Organizers invited me to present on React, so I taught a workshop on Universal Web, and also participated on a panel discussion about containers and Node with folks from nearFrom, IBM, Zeit and Netflix. You should watch the panel recording on YouTube. It was a good one.

I would give a conference a nickname Dutch sauna, because it was unusually hot, but that’s nothing when you remember that we were in a gorgeous building built many centuries ago.

Yes, Amsterdam is an interesting place. The population density is like in some Asian cities. I saw three bicycle accidents in just two days there. Anyway, here are the major highlight from Node Interactive Europe:
- If you’re still on 0.10 or 0.12, then upgrade now because by the end of the year they won’t be supported anymore and you won’t get any SSL update for them
- citgm tests ~80 npm modules against new Node versions to keep world from breaking
- ES6 modules won’t be coming any time soon
node -inspect
is here- HTTP/2 is being worked on
- Event loop works not as many diagrams (and their authors) think
- Beginner-friendly Node Installer is coming (I even made a PR to it and so can you)
- Node Certification is in the works
- With a delta robot and Node you can make your bots earn virtual coins in a game

I enjoyed a hallway track. I got chat with some of the most prominent Node contributors. I am looking forward to Node Interactive US. Last year it was the first time Node/Linux Foundation did it but it was big nevertheless. Kudos to Node/Linux Foundation, Mikael and Tracy for organizing and strengthening the Node community.