Brian Rinaldi (the creator of Flippin’ Awesome) invited me to speaker at the QCon New York 2014 conference at the Beyond JavaScript track which he hosted.

My talk was on CoffeeScript and what is good about it. Here are the slides from my CoffeeScript: The Good Parts presentation.

The conference itself impressed me with the superb level of organization (look at their badge design), and high number of sessions and their quality.

Major takes aways include:
- Hybrid mobile apps are successful and use stacks such as: Cordova+Ionic+Angular+SASS ( and Backbone+React (Belly)
- Dev managers starting to use badges to motivate developers as oppose to traditional managerial ladder promotions (Spotify)
- ECMAScript 6 is going to be awesome but coming only next year
- Breaking monolithic apps into microservices is the hottest discussion topic in enterprise teams
- Developers deploy code 30 time a day and even dogs can deploy changes with Continuous Delivery (Etsy)

Hi Nicolas, same thing! Let’s stay in touch! ;-) Looking forward to your new book!
It was great meeting you at QCon NY ;)