Biggest Challenges Before Joining a Coding Bootcamp

Perception about what being a software engineer means is probably one of the biggest challenges to overcome before joining a coding bootcamp.


Perception about what being a software engineer means is probably one of the biggest challenges to overcome before joining a coding bootcamp. For decades, software engineers were perceived as scientists that require extensive education and dedication to the field. They would work on huge mainframes, programmed using punch cards and had to read whole programming language manuals before writing their first lines of code.

The world has changed since then. We have faster and cheaper computers and better developer tools, including high-level and very expressive languages like JavaScript/Node.js. For people thinking about coding bootcamp, these are all things to consider.

Continue reading “Biggest Challenges Before Joining a Coding Bootcamp”

Tutorial: Node.js and MongoDB JSON REST API server with Mongoskin and Express.js

Tutorial: building a JSON REST API server with Node.js and MongoDB using Mongoskin and Express.js utilizing Mocha and Super Agent for BDD/TDD.

Update3: Expess 4 version of this tutorial is available at Express.js 4, Node.js and MongoDB REST API Tutorial, and (master branch). This tutorial will work with Express 3.x.

Update2: “Mongoskin removed ‘’ and added some actionById methods” from this pull request with this code changes. To use the code in this post, just install an older version of Mongoskin (0.5.0?). The code in the GitHub will work with Mongoskin 1.3.20.

Update2: “Mongoskin removed ‘’ and added some actionById methods” from this pull request with this code changes. To use the code in this post, just install an older version of Mongoskin (0.5.0?)

Update: use the enhanced code from this repository (express3 branch).

Note: This text is a part of Express.js Guide: The Comprehensive Book on Express.js.

This tutorial will walk you through writing test using the Mocha and Super Agent libraries and then use them in a test-driven development manner to build a Node.js free JSON REST API server utilizing Express.js framework and Mongoskin library for MongoDB. In this REST API server, we’ll perform create, read, update and delete (CRUD) operations and harness Express.js middleware concept with app.param() and app.use() methods.

Continue reading “Tutorial: Node.js and MongoDB JSON REST API server with Mongoskin and Express.js”

You Dropped 150k on a Fucking Education?

For those who aren’t familiar with the context of this quote here is a meme. The meaning is simple: why spend in the magnitude of $150,000 on professional knowledge that is available virtually for free thanks to the Internet?

Choosing a Full Time Programming Course as a Career Change

For those who aren’t familiar with the context of this quote here is a meme. The meaning is simple: why spend in the magnitude of $150,000 on professional knowledge that is available virtually for free thanks to the Internet?

Continue reading “You Dropped 150k on a Fucking Education?”

Cisco, Node.js and other musings

The hands-on Introduction to Node.js training consisted of two days and started badly: I was late driving from Oakland to San Jose through traffic, and security personnel in the lobby took extra 15 minutes to clear and escort me to the classroom. Nevertheless, attendees quickly plunged into installing Node.js, Node Package Manager and MongoDB using hard copies of Rapid Prototyping with JS: Agile JavaScript Development that I brought with me.

Continue reading “Cisco, Node.js and other musings”

NodeConf 2013

I’m just back from NodeConf 2013 summer camp at Walker Creek Ranch in Petaluma which is in Marin County, California just a half-hour north of San Francisco.

I’m just back from NodeConf 2013 summer camp at Walker Creek Ranch in Petaluma which is in Marin County, California just a half-hour north of San Francisco.

Continue reading “NodeConf 2013”

The Factory of Good Habits

Recently, I’ve read two great books about habits and it struck me: the difference between senior and junior software engineers is not only in the size of their paycheck; most importantly it’s in their habits!

Recently, I’ve read two great books about habits and it struck me: the difference between senior and junior software engineers is not only in the size of their paycheck; most importantly it’s in their habits!

Continue reading “The Factory of Good Habits”

First Six Months with Storify

Time goes fast! It’s been six months since I’ve joined Storify in December 2012. Many cool things have happened, including a bunch of new releases, a company retreat and a hackweek.

Time goes fast! It’s been six months since I’ve joined Storify in December 2012. Many cool things have happened, including a bunch of new releases, a company retreat and a hackweek.

Continue reading “First Six Months with Storify”

Not Everything has to be done Server-side

Here is a little JavaScript trick I did to randomly include LeanPub embed (e.g., like the one in the right sidebar

Here is a little JavaScript trick I did to randomly include LeanPub embed (e.g., like the one in the right sidebar).

Continue reading “Not Everything has to be done Server-side”

Express.js Tutorial: Instagram Gallery Example App with Storify API

Storify runs on Node.js and Express.js, therefore why not use these technologies to write an application that demonstrates how to build apps that rely on third-party APIs and HTTP requests to them?

Note: This text is a part of Express.js Guide: The Comprehensive Book on Express.js.

An example of an Express.js app using Storify API as a data source is a continuation of introduction to Express.js tutorials.

Continue reading “Express.js Tutorial: Instagram Gallery Example App with Storify API”

Ship Code That Matters

Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about the meaning of life and our purpose on planet Earth. Just kidding! I was thinking why so many programmers are unhappy. Programming is fun and creative after all. The main reason for the unhappiness is that such engineers don’t believe in the software product they’re building. They don’t see how it can benefit end-users. Maybe they don’t even know who their end-users are.

This feeling was not unfamiliar to me at times when I was working for government agencies, but it’s foreign to me now. At Storify our team (myself included) love the product. We see the direct impact it brings to the users, e.g., The White House, ABC News and CBS News. Storify enables people to tell their stories which might otherwise get lost in the sea of social media noise. This contemplation brought me to the conclusion that it’s important to ship code that matters.

Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about the meaning of life and our purpose on planet Earth. Just kidding! I was thinking why so many programmers are unhappy. Programming is fun and creative after all. The main reason for the unhappiness is that such engineers don’t believe in the software product they’re building. They don’t see how it can benefit end-users. Maybe they don’t even know who their end-users are.

Continue reading “Ship Code That Matters”

LeanPub Compilation and Sanitizing Tool Written in Node.js

LeanPub Tool — Node.js script for sanitizing and compiling a book’s manuscript. LeanPub uses multi-file book format and a special markdown markup (that confuses Marked app). I found that to convert to MS Word (for editing and other needs) this workflow is the best: 1. run leanpub-tool.js with node.js (node leanpub-tool.js) 2. open file in Marked app and convert to HTML 3. open HTML in MS Word and enjoy.

LeanPub is an awesome publishing platform, but often we need to communicate with other  team members involved in the book production, e.g., content and copy editors. In such times, I’ve learned that Guy Kawasaki was right — when we suggested in his book APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur — that author must use MS Word!

The problem is that LeanPub uses multi-file book format and a special markdown markup (that confuses Marked app). I was wrapping up a new revision of the Rapid Prototyping with JS book and previous experience of handing a txt file to an editor was poor. Luckily, Node.js came to help! Through some trail and error attempts, I found this workflow to be the best for converting LeanPub manuscript to a one MS Word file (for editing and other needs):

  1. Run leanpub-tool.js with Node.js (node leanpub-tool.js)
  2. Open file in Marked app and convert to HTML
  3. Open HTML in MS Word and enjoy.

The full code of leanpub-tool.js which is also available at

var fs = require('fs');
//change these to YOUR filenames
//probably we can read it from Book.txt but I was too lazy to implement it :-) and somebody might want to compile only sertain parts of the book
var book =[
var sanitizeText = [
  "I>## Note",
  "T>## Tip",
  "W>## Warning",
var str = '';
//read files
  str +=  fs.readFileSync(chapter,'utf8');
//sanitize LeanPub specific Markdown tags
//  console.log(text)
  //this loops through while there is not matches
  while (new RegExp (text).test(str)) {
    str = str.replace(text,'','gm')
//write output to a file

Rapid Prototyping with JS: Agile JavaScript Development is done with v0.5 (1.0RC)!

This is a release candidate for 1.0 version which is going to be available to public in print. Page count has increase from 151 to 211 pages (PDF), which include the following updates:

More digestible (smaller) code examples with better comments
Express.js middleware section with an example
Express.js + MongoDB REST API server section with an example
Derby section with an example
Grammar and typo fixes
Summaries in the beginning of each chapter
Code examples formatting fixes

Rapid Prototyping with JS: Agile JavaScript Development
Rapid Prototyping with JS: Agile JavaScript Development

This is a release candidate for 1.0 version which is going to be available to public in print. Page count has increase from 151 to 211 pages (PDF), which include the following updates:

  • More digestible (smaller) code examples with better comments
  • Express.js middleware section with an example
  • Express.js + MongoDB REST API server section with an example
  • Derby section with an example
  • Grammar and typo fixes
  • Illustrations
  • Summaries in the beginning of each chapter
  • Code examples formatting fixes

Download a free chapter Intro to Backbone.js or full PDF, ePub or Mobi copy at LeanPub.

Rapid Prototyping with JS touched topics such as:

  • jQuery
  • AJAX
  • CSS and LESS
  • JSON and BSON
  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Agile methodologies
  • Git
  • Heroku, MongoHQ and Windows Azure
  • Backbone.js
  • AMD and Require.js
  • Express.js
  • Monk
  • Derby

If you need in-depth knowledge or references, they are usually one click or one Google search away.

Practical aspect included building multiple versions of the Message Board app:

  • jQuery + JS REST API
  • Backbone and JS SDK
  • Backbone and Node.js
  • Backbone and Node.js + MongoDB

The Message Board application has all the foundation of a typical web/mobile application: fetching data, displaying it, submitting new data. Other examples include:

  • jQuery + Twitter RESP API “Tweet Analyzer”
  • “Save John”
  • Node.js “Hello World”
  • MongoDB “Print Collections”
  • Derby + Express “Hello World”
  • Backbone.js “Hello World”
  • Backbone.js “Apple Database”
  • Monk + Expres.js “REST API Server”

Oh My JS: The Best JavaScript Articles ( is in the works!

Nested Objects in Mongoose

There is a certain magic in ORMs like Mongoose. I learned it the hard way (as usual!), when I was trying to iterate over nested object’s properties…

There is a certain magic in ORMs like Mongoose. I learned it the hard way (as usual!), when I was trying to iterate over nested object’s properties. For example, here is a schema with a nested object features defines like this:

var User = module.exports = new Schema({
  features: { 
    realtime_updates: {
      type: Boolean
    storylock: {
      type: Boolean
    custom_embed_style: {
      type: Boolean
    private_stories: {
      type: Boolean
      type: Boolean

Let’s say I want to overwrite object features_enabled with these properties:

if (this.features) { 
  for (var k in this.features) {
    features_enabled[k] = this.features[k];
return features_enabled;

Not so fast, I was getting a lot of system properties specific to Mongoose. Instead we need to use toObject(), e.g.:

if (this.features.toObject()) { 
  for (var k in this.features.toObject()) {
    features_enabled[k] = this.features.toObject()[k];

Remember rule number one, computer is always right. If we think that it’s wrong — look up the rule number one. :-)

Git Reflog to Rescue after Hard Resets

On benefits of using Git reflog command

Today I was resetting a local Git repository to previous commits,, in order to trace back some changes which lead to Continious Integration tests failures. I did a few trail and error runs with:

git reset --hard SHA

Where SHA was taken from GitHub or git log. These commands were performed on my local branch which had some new changes commited locally, but not yet pushed to GitHub. Then, I found the working old commit I realized that I am stuck on it! There was a SHA for my latest commit and the command:

git log

wasn’t showing my latest commit either, because I moved the HEAD of the branch behind it. Thansk for an advice, this command saved me:

git reflog BRANCHNAME

It had a short SHA of my latest commit and I was able to reset HEAD back with reset. I knew that Git had my change save, but I wasn’t sure how to get them. As usual Git is a great technology… with a terrible user interface! :-)

Git reflog — a lifesaver!
Git reflog — a lifesaver!

More on git reflog:

Intro to Express.js: Parameters, Error Handling and Other Middleware

Express.js is a node.js framework that among other things provides a way to organize routes. Each route is defined via a method call on an application object with a URL patter as a first parameter (RegExp is also supported). The best practice is to keep router lean and thin by moving all the logic into corresponding external modules/files. This way important server configuration parameters will be neatly in one place, right there when you need them! :-)

Note: This text is a part of Express.js Guide: The Comprehensive Book on Express.js.

Express.js is one of the most popular and mature Node.js frameworks. You can read more about in Intro to Express.js series on

To learn how to create an application from scratch please refer to the earlier post.

Request Handlers

Express.js is a node.js framework that among other things provides a way to organize routes. Each route is defined via a method call on an application object with a URL patter as a first parameter (RegExp is also supported), for example:

app.get('api/v1/stories/', function(res, req){

or, for a POST method:'/api/v1/stories'function(req,res){

It’s needless to say that DELETE and PUT methods are supported as well.
The callbacks that we pass to get() or post() methods are called request handlers, because they take requests (req), process them and write to response (res) objects. For example:

app.get('/about', function(req,res){
  res.send('About Us: ...');

We can have multiple request handlers, hence the name middleware. They accept a third parameter next calling which (next()) will switch the execution flow to the next handler:

app.get('/api/v1/stories/:id', function(req,res, next) {
  //do authorization
  //if not authorized or there is an error 
  // return next(error);
  //if authorized and no errors
  return next();
}), function(req,res, next) {
  //extract id and fetch the object from the database
  //assuming no errors, save story in the request object
  req.story = story;
  return next();
}), function(req,res) {
  //output the result of the database search

ID of a story in URL patter is a query string parameter which we need for finding a matching items in the database.

Parameters Middleware

Parameters are values passed in a query string of a URL of the request. If we didn’t have Express.js or similar library, and had to use just the core Node.js modules, we’d had to extract parameters from HTTP.request object via some require('querystring').parse(url) or require('url').parse(url, true) functions trickery.

Thanks to Connect framework and people at VisionMedia, Express.js already has support for parameters, error handling and many other important features in the form of middlewares. This is how we can plug param middleware in our app:

app.param('id', function(req,res, next, id){
  //do something with id
  //store id or other info in req object
  //call next when done

  //param middleware will be execute before and
  //we expect req object already have needed info
  //output something

For example:

app.param('id', function(req,res, next, id){
  req.db.get('stories').findOne({_id:id}, function (e, story){
    if (e) return next(e);
    if (!story) return next(new Error('Nothing is found'));
    req.story = story;


Or we can use multiple request handlers but the concept remains the same: we can expect to have req.story object or an error thrown prior to the execution of this code so we abstract common code/logic of getting parameters and their respective objects:

app.get('/api/v1/stories/:id', function(req,res, next) {
  //do authorization
  //we have an object in req.story so no work is needed here
  function(req,res) {
  //output the result of the database search

Authorization and input sanitation are also good candidates for residing in the middlewares.

Function param() is especially cool because we can combine different keys, e.g.:


Error Handling

Error handling is typically used across the whole application, therefore it’s best to implement it as a middleware. It has the same parameters plus one more, error:

app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
  //do logging and user-friendly error message display

In fact, the response can be anything:

JSON string

app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
  //do logging and user-friendly error message display
  res.send(500, {status:500, message: 'internal error', type:'internal'});

Text message

app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
  //do logging and user-friendly error message display
  res.send(500, 'internal server error');

Error page

app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
  //do logging and user-friendly error message display
  //assuming that template engine is plugged in

Redirect to error page

app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
  //do logging and user-friendly error message display

Error HTTP response status (401, 400, 500, etc.)

app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
  //do logging and user-friendly error message display

By the way, logging is also should be abstracted in a middleware!

To trigger an error from within your request handlers and middleware you can just call:



next(new Error('Something went wrong :-(');

You can also have multiple error handlers, and use named instead of anonymous functions as its shows in Express.js Error handling guide.

Other Middleware

In addition to extracting parameters, it can be used for many things, like authorization, error handling, sessions, output, and others.

res.json() is one of them. It conveniently outputs JavaScript/Node.js object as a JSON. For example:

app.get('/api/v1/stories/:id', function(req,res){

is equivalent to (if req.story is an Array and Object):

app.get('/api/v1/stories/:id', function(req,res){


    'Content-Type': 'application/json'


Middleware is flexible. You can use anonymous or named functions, but the best thing is to abstract request handlers into external modules based on the functionality:

var stories = require.('./routes/stories');
var elements = require.('./routes/elements');
var users = require.('./routes/users');
app.get('/stories/:storyId/elements/:elementId', elements.find);


module.exports.find = function(req,res, next) {


module.exports.find = function(req,res,next){


module.exports.update = function(req,res,next){

You can use some functional programming tricks, like this:

function requiredParamHandler(param){
  //do something with a param, e.g., check that it's present in a query string
  return function (req,res, next) {
    //use param, e.g., if token is valid proceed with next();

app.get('/api/v1/stories/:id', requiredParamHandler('token'),;

var story  = {
  show: function (req, res, next) {
    //do some logic, e.g., restrict fields to output
    return res.send();

As you can see middleware is a powerful concept for keeping code organized. The best practice is to keep router lean and thin by moving all the logic into corresponding external modules/files. This way important server configuration parameters will be neatly in one place, right there when you need them! :-)

Node.js MVC: Express.js + Derby.js Hello World Tutorial

Express.js is a popular node frameworks which uses middleware concept to enhance functionality of applications. Derby is a new sophisticated Model View Controller (MVC) framework which is designed to be used with Express as it’s middleware. Derby also comes with the support of Racer, data synchronization engine, and Handlebars-like template engine among many other features.

DerbyJS — Node.js MVC Framework

Express.js is a popular node frameworks which uses middleware concept to enhance functionality of applications. Derby is a new sophisticated Model View Controller (MVC) framework which is designed to be used with Express as it’s middleware. Derby also comes with the support of Racer, data synchronization engine, and Handlebars-like template engine among many other features.

Derby.js Installation

Let’s set up a basic Derby application architecture without the use of scaffolding. Usually project generators are confusing when people just start to learn a new comprehensive framework. This is a bare minimum “Hello World” application tutorial that still illustrates Derby skeleton and demonstrates live-templates with websockets.

Of course we’ll need Node.js and NPM which can be obtained at To install derby globally run:

$ npm install -g derby

To check the installation:

$ derby -V

My version as of April 2013 is 0.3.15. We should be good to go to creating our first app!

File Structure in a Derby.js App

This is the project folder structure:


Dependencies for The Derby.js Project

Let’s include dependencies and other basic information in package.json file:

  "name": "DerbyTutorial",
  "description": "",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "main": "./server.js",
  "dependencies": {
    "derby": "*",
    "express": "3.x"
  "private": true

Now we can run npm install which will download our dependencies into node_modules folder.

Views in Derby.js

Views must be in views folder and they must be either in index.html under a folder which has the same name as your derby app JavaScript file, i.e., views/derby-app/index.html, or be inside of a file which has the same name as your derby app JS file, i.e., derby-app.html.

In this example “Hello World” app we’ll use <Body:> template and {message} variable. Derby uses mustach-handlebars-like syntax for reactive binding. index.html looks like this:

  <input value="{message}"><h1>{message}</h1>

Same thing with Stylus/LESS files, in our example index.css has just one line:

h1 {
  color: blue;

To find out more about those wonderful CSS preprocessors check out documentation at Stylus and LESS.

Building The Main Derby.js Server

index.js is our main server file, and we begin it with an inclusion of dependencies with require() function:

var http = require('http'),
  express = require('express'),
  derby = require('derby'),
  derbyApp = require('./derby-app');

Last line is our derby application file derby-app.js.

Now we’re creating Express.js application (v3.x has significant differences between 2.x) and an HTTP server:

var expressApp = new express(),
  server = http.createServer(expressApp);

Derby uses Racer data synchronization library which we create like this:

var store = derby.createStore({
  listen: server

To fetch some data from back-end to the front-end we instantiate model object:

var model = store.createModel();

Most importantly we need to pass model and routes as middlewares to Express.js app. We need to expose public folder for to work properly.

  use(express.static(__dirname + '/public')).

Now we can start the server on port 3001 (or any other):

server.listen(3001, function(){
  model.set('message', 'Hello World!');

Full code of index.js file:

var http = require('http'),
  express = require('express'),
  derby = require('derby'),
  derbyApp = require('./derby-app');

var expressApp = new express(),
  server = http.createServer(expressApp);

var store = derby.createStore({
  listen: server

var model = store.createModel();

  use(express.static(__dirname + '/public')).

server.listen(3001, function(){
  model.set('message', 'Hello World!');

Derby.js Application

Finally, Derby app file which contains code for both a front-end and a back-end. Front-end only code is inside of app.ready() callback. To start, let’s require and create an app. Derby uses unusual construction (not the same familiar good old module.exports = app):

var derby = require('derby'),
  app = derby.createApp(module);

To make magic work we need to subscribe model attribute to its visual representation, in other words bind data and view. We can do it in the root route, and this is how we define it (patter is /, a.k.a. root):

app.get('/', function(page, model, params) {
  model.subscribe('message', function() {

Full code of derby-app.js file:

var derby = require('derby'),
  app = derby.createApp(module);

app.get('/', function(page, model, params) {
  model.subscribe('message', function() {

Launching Hello World App

Now everything should be ready to boot our server. Execute node . or node index.js and open a browser at http://localhost:3001. You should be able to see something like this:

Derby + Express.js Hello World App

Passing Values to Back-End in Derby.js

Of course static data is not much, so we can slightly modify our app to make back-end and front-end pieces talks with each other.

In the server file index.js add store.afterDb to listen to set events on message attribute:

server.listen(3001, function(){
  model.set('message', 'Hello World!');
  store.afterDb('set','message', function(txn, doc, prevDoc, done){

Full code of index.js after modifications:

var http = require('http'),
  express = require('express'),
  derby = require('derby'),
  derbyApp = require('./derby-app');

var expressApp = new express(),
  server = http.createServer(expressApp);

var store = derby.createStore({
  listen: server

var model = store.createModel();

  use(express.static(__dirname + '/public')).

server.listen(3001, function(){
  model.set('message', 'Hello World!');
  store.afterDb('set','message', function(txn, doc, prevDoc, done){

In Derby application file derby-app.js add model.on() to app.ready():

	    model.on('set', 'message',function(path, object){
	    console.log('message has been changed: '+ object);

Full derby-app.js file after modifications:

var derby = require('derby'),
  app = derby.createApp(module);

app.get('/', function(page, model, params) {
  model.subscribe('message', function() {

app.ready(function(model) {
  model.on('set', 'message', function(path, object) {
    console.log('message has been changed: ' + object);

Now we’ll see logs both in the terminal window and in the browser Developer Tools console. The end result should look like this in the browser:, and like this in the terminal:

Hello World App: Browser Console Logs

Hello World App: Terminal Console Logs

For more magic in the persistence area, check out Racer’s db property. With it you can set up an automatic synch between views and database!

Let me know if you’re interested in any specific topic for future blog post and don’t forget to checkout my JavaScript books:

The full code of all the files in this Express.js + Derby Hello World app is available as a gist at

Day 6 of StartupBus 2013: All-Star Finals

On the sixth day six after departing from San Francisco, buspreneurs gathered to socialize and to let steam off at a happy hour organized by Twillio. GhostPost brought a projector to the bar to show their anonymous live chat. The funny story is that the projector was sold to them by of a fellow busmate (from the team) whose Austin-based friend the Grassroots guy to handle the Craigslist projector ad. :-) Apparently the GhostPost team weren’t happy with their defeat (and who would be?) and hustled their way through the competition to become an All-Star wildcard — and by the evening they were indeed selected as a wildcard!

On the sixth day six after departing from San Francisco, buspreneurs gathered to socialize and to let steam off at a happy hour organized by Twillio. GhostPost brought a projector to the bar to show their anonymous live chat. The funny story is that the projector was sold to them by of a fellow busmate (from the team) whose Austin-based friend the Grassroots guy to handle the Craigslist projector ad. :-) Apparently the GhostPost team weren’t happy with their defeat (and who would be?) and hustled their way through the competition to become an All-Star wildcard — and by the evening they were indeed selected as a wildcard!

StartupBus 2013 West Coast - random stop
StartupBus 2013 West Coast – random stop

Rackspace bought out the Champions sports bar in downtown Austin. GhostPost and other teams pitched during the evening to Dave McCure, Robert Scobler, and other important startup personas. The sound quality wasn’t very good. Every now and then somebody would shush the drunk, happy and tired crowd, but that didn’t help much. Despite it being very entertaining to watch Dave McClure rip apart startups and Robert (because he saw the evolution during the span of 3 days) explain and sometime defend them — in the end the decision was the same. They announced that the winner was CareerMob, and the runner up was NextChaptr.

StartupBus 2013 — Dave McClure and Rober Scoble
StartupBus 2013 — Dave McClure and Rober Scoble

Summary of StartupBus 2013

Overall StartupBus is a great experience but I can’t say that it has changed my life. :-) There are similarities to a real startup life:

  • Scarcity of resources, balance of risks and trade-offs, ample creativity to solve problems
  • Building, motivating and selling the concept to your team while pitching your idea to judges
  • Human drama: communication issues, interactions among team members in close quarters, under stress, without enough sleep, etc.
  • Startup lifestyle: exhaustion, abundance of stress

But some things are far from the reality. Mainly, in an actual startup:

  • Founders can focus not only on consumer segment, but also on small business and/or enterprise customers. Obviously, due to the lack of time and resource constraints buspreneurs targeted consumer audience.
  • Team needs to be serious and to pick not just fun and sexy ideas to get the most buzz. Solid business models usually come from ugly and boring, though concrete and painful problems.
  • These days, anyone who wants to start up a business has full-time reliable and even speedy Internet access without having to get stranded in the middle of a desert or having your mobile hot-spot picking up Mexican cell phone carriers. :-)

My conclusion is that a StartupBus trip was a good experience, but it’s not exactly the same as building a real startup.

Real StartupBus Tattoo by @claco
Real StartupBus Tattoo by @claco

Node.js OAuth1.0 and OAuth2.0: Twitter API v1.1 Examples

Recently we had to work on modification to accommodate Twitter API v1.1. The main difference between Twitter API v1.1 and, soon to be deprecated, Twitter API v1.0 is that most of the REST API endpoints now require user or application context. In other words, each call needs to be performed via OAuth 1.0A or OAuth 2.0 authentication.

Recently we had to work on modification to accommodate Twitter API v1.1. The main difference between Twitter API v1.1 and, soon to be deprecated, Twitter API v1.0 is that most of the REST API endpoints now require user or application context. In other words, each call needs to be performed via OAuth 1.0A or OAuth 2.0 authentication.

Node.js OAuth
Node.js OAuth

At Storify we run everything on Node.js so it was natural that we used oauth module by Ciaran Jessup: NPM and GitHub. It’s mature and supports all the needed functionality but lacks any kind of examples and/or interface documentation.

Here are the examples of calling Twitter API v1.1, and a list of methods. I hope that nobody will have to dig through the oauth module source code anymore!

OAuth 1.0

Let start with a good old OAuth 1.0A. You’ll need four values to make this type of a request to Twitter API v1.1 (or any other service):

  1. Your Twitter application key, a.k.a., consumer key
  2. Your Twitter secret key
  3. User token for your app
  4. User secret for your app

All four of them can be obtained for your own apps at In case that the user is not youself, you’ll need to perform 3-legged OAuth, or Sign in with Twitter, or something else.

Next we create oauth object with parameters, and call get() function to fetch a secured resource. Behind the scene get() function constructs unique values for the request header — Authorization header. The method encrypts URL, timestamp, application and other information in a signature. So the same header won’t work for another URL or after a specific time window.

var OAuth = require('OAuth');
var oauth = new OAuth.OAuth(
      'your Twitter application consumer key',
      'your Twitter application secret',
      'your user token for this app', 
      //you can get it at for your own apps
      'your user secret for this app', 
      //you can get it at for your own apps
      function (e, data, res){
        if (e) console.error(e);        

OAuth Echo

OAuth Echo is similar to OAuth 1.0. If you’re a Delegator (service to which requests to Service Provider are delegated by Consumer) all you need to do is just pass the value of x-verify-credentials-authorization header to the Service Provider in Authorization header. Twitter has a good graphics on OAuth Echo.

There is OAuthEcho object which inherits must of its methods from normal OAuth class. In case if you want to write Consumer code (or for functional tests, in our case Storify is the delegator) and you need x-verify-credentials-authorization/Authorization header values, there is a authHeader method. If we look at it, we can easily reconstruct the headers with internal methods of oauth module such as _prepareParameters() and _buildAuthorizationHeaders(). Here is a function that will give us required values based on URL (remember that URL is a part of Authorization header):

  function getEchoAuth(url) { 
  //helper to construct echo/oauth headers from URL
    var oauth = new OAuth('',
      //test app token
      //test app secret
    var orderedParams = oauth._prepareParameters(
      "1111111111-AAAAAA", //test user token
    "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", //test user secret
    return oauth._buildAuthorizationHeaders(orderedParams);

From your consumer code you can maker request with superagent or other http client library (e.g., node.js core http module’s http.request):

var request = require('super agent');'your delegator api url')
  //your json data


OAuth 2.0 is a breeze to use comparing to the other authentication methods. Some argue that it’s not as secure, so make sure that you use SSL and HTTPS for all requests.

 var OAuth2 = OAuth.OAuth2;    
 var twitterConsumerKey = 'your key';
 var twitterConsumerSecret = 'your secret';
 var oauth2 = new OAuth2(
   function (e, access_token, refresh_token, results){
     console.log('bearer: ',access_token);
     oauth2.get('protected url', 
       access_token, function(e,data,res) {
         if (e) return callback(e, null);
         if (res.statusCode!=200) 
           return callback(new Error(
             'OAuth2 request failed: '+
         try {
           data = JSON.parse(data);        
         catch (e){
           return callback(e, null);
         return callback(e, data);

Please note the JSON.parse() function, oauth module returns string, not a JavaScript object.

Consumers of OAuth2 don’t need to fetch the bearer/access token for every request. It’s okay to do it once and save value in the database. Therefore, we can make requests to protected resources (i.e. Twitter API v.1.1) with only one secret password. For more information check out Twitter application only auth.

Node.js oauth API

Node.js oauth OAuth



  • requestUrl
  • accessUrl
  • consumerKey
  • consumerSecret
  • version
  • authorize_callback
  • signatureMethod
  • nonceSize
  • customHeaders

Node.js oauth OAuthEcho



  • realm
  • verify_credentials
  • consumerKey
  • consumerSecret
  • version
  • signatureMethod
  • nonceSize
  • customHeaders

OAuthEcho sharers the same methods as OAuth

Node.js oauth Methods

Secure HTTP request methods for OAuth and OAuthEcho classes:



  • url
  • oauth_token
  • oauth_token_secret
  • callback



  • url
  • oauth_token
  • oauth_token_secret
  • callback



  • url
  • oauth_token
  • oauth_token_secret
  • post_body
  • post_content_type
  • callback


  • url
  • oauth_token
  • oauth_token_secret
  • post_body
  • post_content_type
  • callback

Node.js oauth OAuth2

OAuth2 Class



  • clientId
  • clientSecret
  • baseSite
  • authorizePath
  • accessTokenPath
  • customHeaders



  • code
  • params
  • callback



  • url
  • access_token
  • callback

The authors of node.js oauth did a great job but currently there are 32 open pull requests (mine is one of them) and it makes me sad. Please let them know that we care about improving Node.js ecosystem of modules and developers community!

UPDATE: Pull request was successfully merged!

Useful Twitter API v1.1 Resources

Just because they are vast and not always easy to find.
